Admissions arrangements for 2020
The school is an academy of the Diocese of Bristol Academy Trust; as such, its Local Board has delegated authority to set the admissions arrangements for the school and is now consulting on the arrangements for 2020.
The admissions criteria comply with the current Schools Admission Code and guidance from Bristol Diocese and Wiltshire Council. A copy of the draft Admissions Policy will be on the school website from 7th December at: Comments are not sought on the Planned Admission Number (PAN) or on the statutory requirements.
If you would like a copy of the proposed admission arrangements to be sent to you, please contact the school office on 01249 720496.
If you have any comments, please send them to the Chair of the Local Board, Mrs Claire Kennedy at or to:
Mrs Claire Kennedy, Christian Malford CofE Primary School, Church Rd, Christian Malford, Chippenham, SN15 4BW.
The consultation closes on 20th January 2019.