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All Saints Church Re-opening 21 June 2020

The church will re-open on Sunday, 21st June between 10.30am-11.30am and thereafter will be open every Wednesday between 2pm-4pm and every Sunday between 10.30am-11.30am for private prayer, meditation and reflection.
We are very aware of our responsibilities towards public health and will be taking steps to ensure that our buildings have been adequately cleaned and sanitised ahead of opening. The limited opening times allow us to keep the buildings safe and clean for you. Social distancing and minimal contact must be observed at all times. We simply ask you to wash your hands before leaving home, to use the hand sanitiser provided, and to use seating as directed locally.
We can also announce that funerals inside churches will now be permitted, subject to attendance restrictions and with limited staffing, and we look forward in due course to being able to resume public acts of worship. In the meantime we continue to offer online worship via Zoom on Thursdays at 11.30am. Please contact Rev’d Mark for details

Please also check our Facebook and Twitter (search Draycot Churches) and the website for up dated information. To subscribe to our weekly email reflection please contact Iain at

Rev’d Alison Love, North Wilts Area Dean, Rector of Draycot Benefice Tel: 01249 720619

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