The Lead Parish Councillor for Highways matters is Ian Patterson.

The Parish Steward scheme was re-introduced in October 2016. The scheme, provided to Wiltshire Council by Ringway, gives Parishes a regular visit of a man with a truck, equipped with a full range of hand tools and materials to address a wide variety of minor highway defects and needs. Tasks are identified by our nominated person from the Parish council as above.
Tasks that the Parish Steward can be requested to carry out:
- Hand cleaning of small grips.
- Rodding of small culverts and manholes.
- Filling-in small potholes
- Hand cleaning of road gully tops.
- Hedge trimming around road signs to maintain visibility, but not wholesale hedgecutting as this needs to be done by landowner.
- Washing Highway signs.
- Over-run damage.
- Strimming of grass verges for visibility at junctions and of Highway signs.
- Siding out overgrown vegetation obstructing footways.
- Clearing debris and leaves, but not litter.
- Painting railings, away from water.
All other Highways matters should be reported to Wiltshire Council – here