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Pug Brook Clearance 2020 – A BIG Thank You!

On behalf of the Parish Council and indeed village, we would like to thank all the parishioners involved in helping us to clear Pug Brook.

The aim, as many would know, was to carry out maintenance to clear the banks and any blockages so that we could mitigate any risk of flooding during heavy rain.

Having completed this work, the Parish Council has gone further and carried out a survey to check the water levels of Pug Brook at various points. The gradient of the brook is very gentle and so maintenance of the brook and its banks is the most practical way of avoiding flooding. The capacity of Pug Brook after the Station Road Culvert is more than sufficient to handle the volume of water it receives.

Our aim moving forward will be to ensure that the Brook and its banks continue to be maintained and monitored.

Again, thank you to everyone involved.

Linda Roslyn, Parish Clerk

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